In this section, we publish the prices for the minimum orders for different currencies of the world.
Remember! We do not send trial samples and do not sell batches of less volume than our minimum volume.
You shouldn’t even try to write to us with the requirements to send you a trial sample or sell a micro batch of goods.
We are not petty speculators and we are not at all interested in your problems, doubts, fears and the desire to buy $ 1000 for $ 100.
We sell only in bulk and only on 100% prepaid bitcoin. There are no other options to receive our goods, except for the option we proposed.
Prices are in $ USD.
Prices for the minimum lots of currency that we can produce:
$ USD minimum 100.000 $. ($ 100 banknote denomination) Price = $ 5.000 + $ 500 fixed price for delivery.
€ EUR minimum 100.000 € (banknote value 100 €) Price = 5.000 € + 500 € fixed price for delivery.
₽RUR minimum 5.000.000 rubles (denomination of the banknote 5000 rubles) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
UAH is at least 277.000UAH (denomination of the banknote is 500UAH) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
CAD at least 135.000CAD (banknote denomination 100CAD) Price = 5.000 $ + 500 $ fixed price for delivery.
NZD minimum 152.000 NZD (banknote denomination 100NZD) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
AUD minimum 142.000AUD (banknote denomination 100AUD) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
GBP minimum 80.000GBP (50GBP banknote denomination) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
VND minimum 2320000000VND (denomination of banknote 500.000VND) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
THB minimum 3170000THB (1000THB banknote denomination) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
IDR minimum IDR 1480000000 (denomination of the banknote 100.000 IDR) Price = 20.000 $ + 300 $ fixed price for delivery.
These are the main currencies in which we do our business.
Nevertheless, we have layouts of other world currencies and we are ready to produce almost any currency in the world observing all the security features of banknotes.
For this we have the ideal paper, UV and infrared inks, hologram equipment, laser perforations and color-changing varnishes.
The technologies of all countries differ only in the designs of banknotes, while the entire set of typical security elements is practically the same for all currencies.
We can make a batch of currency to order without any problems. Please note that the minimum special order amount is $ 21,000
The rest is individual.